Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Play Day

Yesterday was too nice to stay home, so I borrowed the girls for the afternoon. We went and feed the ducks and geese, and then went to the playpark. I'd brought their scooters, but Alexandra refused to ride hers. She can only ride in the house on carpet (just ask her!). The little playground is being refurbished, so Alexandra played on the big playground. Riley rode her scooter on the bumps. Later, Alexandra wanted to be on the bumps, too - so she ran behind Riley. Goofy girl!

I told her I wanted a picture of her riding on it, and Alexandra agreed to "pose" with her scooter.

Pay It Forward Exchange

This came from Cortney, from Rachel. The 3 who comment on my blog, please give me some suggestions of what you'd like. Or else you might be getting lime green potholders!!! (unless you want the lime green potholders)

This is how it works: The Pay it Forward Exchange is based off of the concept from the movie "Pay it Forward". I will send a hand made gift to the first three people who comment on this post on my blog requesting to join the PIF Exchange. All the gifts will be made and sent out some time within this year. How exciting to not know when your surprise package will arrive! What you need to do in return, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your own blog. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS PROMISE TO POST THIS SAME 'PAY IT FORWARD' MESSAGE ON YOUR BLOG, WHICH MUST BE ACTIVE IN ORDER TO PLAY. YOU WILL PAY IT FORWARD TO 3 PEOPLE WHO COMMENT ON YOUR BLOG. I'd love for you to join me. Will you? Other comments are welcome but only the first three will be my Pay it Forward recipients. Come and join me, who doesn't love a gift or giving gifts???

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Family Dinner on Jan. 25th

We always have a family dinner for birthdays. The tradition has been that they get to choose what we are having for dinner. Aric usually has to choose something unusual. This year he said that he'd been craving broccoli with cheese sauce. (He was only 2 the first time he picked broccoli for his birthday dinner. Only we didn't eat broccoli when they were little, it was baby trees.) Then he picked roast beef and mashed potatoes - so that Riley and Alexandra would eat, too.
Since he picked a "normal" meal, I found tiramisu and spumoni - so that he could have weird after all. I've never had tiramisu, and didn't realize that one of the layers was coffee flavored. No one cared for it, except Aric. Luckily, Cortney had made brownies as a backup. Alexandra ate 2 big ones. Aric said that he'd never seen her eat that much at one time. Aric and I were the only ones who liked the spumoni. Riley and Alexandra aren't usually willing to try new things, but they did taste them this time.

Dean and Aric were playing playstation after dinner. Aric had brought over a multi-player game. I think they were Marvel heroes. I know that Aric was Wolverine, I think Dean was playing Hulk? Anyway, they were having a good time slicing and destroying stuff.

Riley and Alexandra in their jammies. They were cold, so they put them on early.

I forgot to get a picture of Cortney. She was doing better than I expected. She'd been to church, and had a bit of a headache. And then with all the chaos of dinner and extra people, I wasn't sure how she would fare, but she made it through the whole evening.

Locks of Love

On Saturday, Jan. 31st, Aric and I went and got haircuts. I've been "going to" for better than a month. My hair was below my waist, and really getting in the way. Then Aric came home from work with the announcement that he had to cut his hair and shave off his beard before his next scheduled work day. So we went together before we did the grocery shopping.

I had to get pictures before Aric's "Jesus" look was gone.

While we were waiting, I asked Aric how he was going to get it cut. He told me that he was buzzing it off. I told him that I missed him not being little. He was shocked. He wanted to know how I could possibly miss all the trouble he was always getting into. I told him that he was also a lot of fun - just like Alexandra, that they are personality matches. Then he said that Alexandra doesn't get into the trouble he did. I pointed out that Alexandra has a stay at home mom, and give her a couple of years, the mischief he was remembering was mostly ages 6-9. Then I told him that I liked him at 26, too.
I'll bet his sisters wish they were here. They used to love to sit on him to feel the stubble of his new haircuts.
Locks of Love is getting a 13 inch braid from me. It is still over my shoulders, about as long as it was when I cut it after I broke my arm.
Wet and then dry.
Aric wanted to point out that his action figures are now recorded for posterity. I'm pointing out that it is only 6 of the massive collection. Could be worse, could have pictures of his swords in the background - so people would really wonder about me.
And they are getting an 11 inch ponytail from Aric.
I'll try to get another picture of him now. He shaved off all but a goatee.
He didn't want me to take pictures, so he was being "evil." I had the girls here, so he couldn't refuse too loudly.
When I was measuring the hair, and getting it into bags to mail. I couldn't believe how close our hair color matches. Aric's is curlier, and mine has a fair amount of grey.